Home Odd News Woman Claims Dripping Urine in Your Eyes Cures Vision Problems

Woman Claims Dripping Urine in Your Eyes Cures Vision Problems

Woman Claims Dripping Urine in Your Eyes Cures Vision Problems

A Spanish woman sparked controversy after claiming that dripping urine into her eyes cured her myopia and astigmatism.

Urine therapy or urotherapy is a form of alternative medicine popularized by British naturopath John W. Armstrong in the early 20th century. Advocates of this unusual form of therapy promote the application of human urine for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, including massaging one’s skin, or gums, with one’s urine, and even drinking it. However, TikTok user and “assistant metaphysical counselor” Suama Fraile claims that urine is also much better at treating eye problems than the chemical-infused medicine prescribed by most doctors. The woman claims to have dripped urine into her eyes daily until it cured her astigmatism and myopia.

Photo: CDC

In a TikTok video doing the rounds on social media, Suama Fraile explains that urine drops “work better than conventional drugs,” since the latter “are chemicals that can do more harm than good.” To prove the effectiveness of urine as a cure for poor vision, the woman details her personal experience.

“I’ll tell you my experience, pouring urine into my eyes in the morning and at night cured me of astigmatism and myopia,” she claims “This is natural, forget about drugs, they are chemicals, and that affects health.”

Suama claims that, for urine therapy to have an effect, urine drops must be applied daily, in the morning and in the evening. She also mentions that she uses “enhanced urine” at night, which probably means concentrated urine.

As you can imagine, the video received a lot of criticism online, most of which I must admit was warranted. It’s one thing to promote urine therapy and to rub urine on your body hoping to get some kind of benefits out of it, but to encourage people to put it into their eyes it’s another thing entirely. I’m no doctor, but that seems wrong on so many levels!

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the beneficial health effects of urine therapy.

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