Home Odd News Scientists Baffled by Man Who Got Vaccinated for Covid-19 a Whopping 217 Times

Scientists Baffled by Man Who Got Vaccinated for Covid-19 a Whopping 217 Times

Scientists Baffled by Man Who Got Vaccinated for Covid-19 a Whopping 217 Times

A team of German scientists studied a 62-year-old man who deliberately got 217 Covid-19 vaccine shots over 29 months and found that he suffered from no negative vaccine-related side effects.

Many people wouldn’t get a shot of Covid-19 vaccine if their lives depended on it, but a German man decided to compensate for many of them by getting as many shots as he could. Over a period of 29 months, the unnamed 62-year-old from Magdeburg, Germany, got no less than 217 Covid-19 jabs, an average of four doses per day. He is what you could call a ‘walking experiment’, so after hearing about him from a newspaper, researchers from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg contacted him and asked if they could study him in the name of science. The man agreed, and the team recently published a number of intriguing findings in the Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal.

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“Our test case was vaccinated with a total of eight different vaccines, including different available mRNA vaccines,” Dr Kilian Schober said. “The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability.”

The researchers also found that the ma had had higher levels of immune cells and antibodies against coronavirus than people who had received “only” three doses of Covid-19 vaccine. “Overall, we did not find any indication for a weaker immune response, rather the contrary,” one of the scientists noted. Further tests showed that his immune response to other viruses remained unchanged, which was considered proof that his immune system had not been damaged by the hypervaccination.

Although researchers noted that the man’s unique approach to vaccination showed just “how well tolerated the vaccines generally are,” they also admitted that his tolerance for an absurd number of Covid-19 vaccines may not translate into the rest of the population. Furthermore, science shows that the positive effects of the vaccines do not scale with the number of doses.

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“The vaccine is absorbed by the antibodies before it can trigger an immune response. Beyond a certain level of concentration of antibodies, the immune system closes off and no more new antibodies are made,” immunologist Andreas Radbruch explained. “Once someone has enough antibodies, you cannot increase their protection with further vaccinations.”

Interestingly, the unnamed man first made news headlines in 2022, when it was discovered that he had been vaccinated for Covid-19 at least 90 times. At the time, he was suspected of getting so many shots in order to get his hands on multiple vaccination certificates that he then sold to people who didn’t want to get vaccinated but needed the documents to enjoy certain privileges during the lockdown. Today, the man insists that he god vaccinated 217 times “for personal reasons”, but admits that he was under investigation for fraud by German authorities.

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