Home Business Ghana’s LPG price one of the highest in the world – Association

Ghana’s LPG price one of the highest in the world – Association

Ghana’s LPG price one of the highest in the world – Association

Vice President of the  Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Marketers Association of Ghana, Gabriel Kumi

The Vice President of the  Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Marketers Association of Ghana, Gabriel Kumi, has revealed that Ghana’s LPG prices rank among the highest globally. 

According to him, while the previous cost for 1kg of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) stood at 14 cedis, it has recently risen to 16 cedis due to a new government-imposed tax on gas.

In an interview on Adom FM’s Burning Issues, Mr. Kumi highlighted that many countries purchase a kilogram of gas for less than one dollar, which is lower than Ghana’s rate of $1.20. 

“I am telling you that LPG price in Ghana is one of the highest prices in the world. Most of the countries buy theirs around 40, 50 to 80 cents but ours is 1 dollar, 20 cents. The price earlier was 14 cedis but it’s 16 cedis as we speak because of the 80 dollars tax on every Metric Ton imposed on the LPG by the government,” he emphasized. 

Mr. Kumi further warned that, the rising cost of LPG is driving Ghanaians towards using charcoal consumption instead. 

He cautioned that, if this trend continues, it could render the government’s “green Ghana” initiative ineffective, as trees planted for afforestation would be felled for charcoal production. 

“The government’s vision to restore afforestation would be useless if demand for charcoal hikes because it’s the same trees planted would be felled to burn charcoal, and if that happens, the government’s investment in the “green Ghana” would go to waste,” the Vice President of the LPG Marketers Association of Ghana said. 


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