Home General News Don’t kill me – Mother of three escapes death after vicious attack by husband [Video]

Don’t kill me – Mother of three escapes death after vicious attack by husband [Video]

Don’t kill me – Mother of three escapes death after vicious attack by husband [Video]

9 reasons why crying is good for your health
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A 38-year-old mother of three, Martina Jones, has given detailed account on an attack by her estranged husband, Collins Jones which almost resulted in her death.

According to her, the incident occurred in the early hours of Monday, May 6, 2024, following several threats by the husband.

She told Adom News that, although her husband has on numerous occasions threatened to commit suicide after killing her, she never took the threats seriously.

Martha said Collins Jones attacked her in her sleep around 3:am.

“I was sleeping with these little ones when someone hit my head with a heavy stick. I woke up to find my husband standing over me with a pestle. I asked him what crime I had committed. But he smashed my forehead with the pestle again; causing blood to gush out.

“I begged him not to kill me. I told him our kids are still young and they need their mother. I started struggling with him. We fought over the pestle till I got hold of it. I then threw it under the bed so he couldn’t use it on me,” Martha added.

But the nightmare didn’t end there. As she struggled to stay alive, Collins grabbed her neck and tried strangling her while she gasped for breath.

She said she managed to break free from his deadly grip and fled the room.

“When he realised he no longer had the pestle, he went for my neck with his bare hands. Truth be told, I couldn’t breathe. I was struggling to break free from his grip. I couldn’t shout for help but I heard my children crying and that gave me strength to free myself.

“I ran to the kitchen and he followed me over there…. Our children got up from bed and started begging him too. ‘Daddy, please stop. Daddy, we are begging. Daddy, please’, they kept begging repeatedly. But he ignored them. I took the opportunity to open the door and run outside,” the young mother explained.

Martha said some of her neighbours took her to the Police station to make an official complaint before rushing her to the hospital for medical attention.

Touching on their marital life, Martha said there have been no challenges or issues.

She told the Adom News reporter that, her husband does not also drink or smoke, hence her surprise when she was told her husband committed suicide after the incident.

“I was at the hospital when I received words that he had set himself on fire. I heard he has been sent to Korle Bu but I have no further information on him. I hear he is dead.

“It is just fortunate that I took the children with me to the hospital. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I left them at home with him. He could have burnt them too. He could have killed them.

“I will never understand why he did what he did. I am very hard-working. I help him to make ends meet. I am not lazy…I work very hard to support the home…so why will he do that?” she said with tears.

Meanwhile, the Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which has left the entire community in shock.

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