Home Entertainment Why Sister Derby slapped fan backstage at a concert

Why Sister Derby slapped fan backstage at a concert

Why Sister Derby slapped fan backstage at a concert

Being a female musician in Ghana isn’t easy, and their fans sure aren’t making it any easier.

After striving hard to beat the stereotype, songstresses still have to deal with harassment, especially sexual ones from their fans.

This is exactly what African mermaid Sister Derby said she experienced at the backstage of a concert organized by Afropop artiste, Quamina MP.

While she was backstage catching a breath after a steaming performance, Sister Derby said she was molested by a male fan.

In a tweet, she recounted that two ladies asked for a selfie, and while at it, she felt the fan fondle her backside.

Sister Derby noted that she immediately used her reflexes to her advantage and landed a slap on the harasser’s cheek before the bouncers bundled him away.

She made the revelation while commenting on an interview of her colleague Cina Soul who narrated a similar experience.

Unlike Sister Derby, Cina said she was taken by surprise and being conscious of the cameras flicking from multiple angles, she could not react.

She watched on helplessly as the man grabbed her butt and squeezed it to his pleasure on a red carpet of an event.

She found her voice when she was freed from the carpet and informed her manager who called the said fan to order.

However, in both instances, an apology was not rendered.


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