Home General News Nana Kwame Bediako highlights his vision for industrialisation, entrepreneurship as he tours Volta Region

Nana Kwame Bediako highlights his vision for industrialisation, entrepreneurship as he tours Volta Region

Nana Kwame Bediako highlights his vision for industrialisation, entrepreneurship as he tours Volta Region

In a bid to bring a fresh perspective to Ghanaian politics, Nana Kwame Bediako, the founder and leader of the New Force Movement, has embarked on a tour of the Volta Region.

The renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist has been captivating audiences with his vision for industrialization, entrepreneurship, and empowering Ghana’s youth through technical training and support for startup businesses.

Bediako’s tour through the Volta Region has seen him engage with local communities, speaking passionately about the urgent need for a new direction in Ghana’s development.

With a focus on economic empowerment and sustainable growth, he has outlined a comprehensive plan to revitalize the industrial sector while nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship among the nation’s youth.

At each stop along his tour, Bediako has emphasized the importance of creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive. “Ghana has immense potential for growth and prosperity,” he stated during a gathering in Ho, the regional capital. “But we must harness this potential through strategic investments in key sectors and by supporting our young entrepreneurs.”

Central to Bediako’s platform is the promotion of technical training programmes tailored to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving job market. He has pledged to work closely with educational institutions and industry leaders to develop curricula that align with the demands of modern industries.

“We cannot afford to leave our youth behind,” Bediako asserted. “By equipping them with the right skills and knowledge, we secure their future and drive innovation and competitiveness in our economy.”

Throughout his tour, Bediako has engaged in discussions with local business owners, artisans, and aspiring entrepreneurs. He has underscored the New Force Movement’s commitment to providing support mechanisms such as access to affordable credit, mentorship programmes, and incubation centres for startup ventures.

“Entrepreneurship is the backbone of any thriving economy,” Bediako emphasized during a visit to a vocational training centre in Keta. “We must empower our people to create, innovate, and build the businesses of tomorrow.”

The response to Bediako’s message of change and empowerment has been overwhelmingly positive among residents of the Volta Region. Many have expressed optimism about his proposals for revitalizing the region’s economy and creating sustainable opportunities for its youth.

As he continues his tour, Bediako remains steadfast in his commitment to ushering in a new era of progress and prosperity for Ghana. With a focus on industrialization, entrepreneurship, and youth empowerment, he presents a compelling vision for the nation’s future.

“I stand before you not just as a candidate, but as a partner in Ghana’s journey towards greatness,” Bediako declared to a cheering crowd in Ho. “Together, we can build a nation where opportunity knows no bounds, and where every Ghanaian has the chance to fulfill their dreams.”

Nana Kwame Bediako’s presidential bid tour continues to resonate with audiences across the Volta Region, igniting a sense of hope and optimism for a brighter tomorrow.


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