Home Odd News People Climb School Wall to Pass Students Cheat Sheets During Exam in Massive Cheating Scandal

People Climb School Wall to Pass Students Cheat Sheets During Exam in Massive Cheating Scandal

People Climb School Wall to Pass Students Cheat Sheets During Exam in Massive Cheating Scandal

Friends and family of Class 10 students taking an important exam at a school in Haryana, India were filmed climbing the back wall of the building to pass cheat sheets to their loved ones.

The Chandrawati School in Haryana’s Nuh district recently found itself at the center of a massive exam cheating scandal after viral videos of people scaling the wall of the school in order to pass cheat sheets to students found their way on social media. School officials insisted that no cheating occurred during the  Class 10 board exam on Wednesday and that people merely attempted to help their friends and relatives, but some sources claim that these real-life Spider Men only started climbing the school after being given the exact questions on the test and looking up the right answers to them.

The India Times newspaper reports that someone took pictures of the questionnaire for the Physical Education exam and shared it with the students’ friends and family waiting in a parking lot behind the exam building. This allowed the people to look up the answers, write them on pieces of paper, and then share them with the students through tiny windows.

One of the videos shows at least a dozen people climbing the concrete building and calling students to the windows so they can pass them the answers. However, despite evidence of the cheating, school officials claim that the video merely shows a cheating attempt, adding that security managed to prevent outside interference during the exam.

“The men were creating chaos outside the school and no cheating took place inside. Though they were trying to call out to the students inside, we made sure nothing untoward happened,” school staff said in a statement.


“Our school does not face any problem, all the disruptions are by those outside. We don’t even allow anyone except students to enter the premises. No cheating takes place and students take their exams properly. Police patrol the area, and officers are stationed in different corners of the campus,” Principal Nidhi Rohilla added.

However, despite the complete denial of school officials, there are those who say that this type of cheating is routine behavior at the school, and that security during important exams is merely a formality.

“This is an annual affair, and I have been witnessing it regularly. Though police pay visits, it is a formality,” a former student at Chandrawati School told the Indian Express.


“This is a routine activity. Friends of the students throw cheating material through window grilles to help students taking exams. Most teachers don’t protest,” a Class 10 student confirmed.

India has been dealing with blatant exam cheating for a long time now. Back in 2015, we first posted about such an incident at a school in Bihar, where friends and relatives of 12th-class students also climbed the school walls to pass them cheat sheets.

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